grew up in Texas with my parents and brother. I received a Bachelor of Science in Art Education from the  

   University of Houston and several years later followed that with a Masters of Art Education from

   Texas Tech University.

 I taught art in public schools around Texas for 25 years, the last 18 being in Klein ISD just north of Houston. I was the  Fine Art Department Chairperson at Klein High School for the last 12 years of my career. Teaching allowed me to have freedom

during my summers and I was usually taking some college credits in a summer class—often in Junction, Texas, where  

  Texas Tech has a campus and summer program for artists. Spending my summers in Junction making art is when I fell in love with the Hill Country.

Mixed media painting is my preferred medium, but I also enjoy photography (digital now) and making art using gourds.  To stay current and fresh, I think we have to push the boundaries, whatever they are, and break free from existing trends and endeavors. I believe that this is the only way to grow, as an artist and as an individual.

Marsha Mefferd

   Seeing the Light

   My Story

